Dragonary Apk Download Download Free Latest Version For Android Mobiles and Tablets To Earn Crypto Easily.
If you want to earn crypto by playing a game, then you are on the right page. That is, there is a game called Dragonary Apk where you can have an opportunity to earn and withdraw crypto coins.
There are so many games coming for Android phones that allow you to make money. But Dragonary App is offering more easy options to make money. This gaming app works similarly to games that have previously been shared on this website. Basically, I am talking about the My Defi Pet and Axie Infinity Mobile.
What is Dragonary Apk?
Dragonary Apk is a gaming app that allows you to play and earn crypto. It is based on multiple game modes that you can select and win cryptocurrency in rewards. It is a free and safe mobile game that anyone can play right at home that only requires stable internet.
As you know there are tons of coins that have different usages. So, there is a huge portion of such coins that are developed specifically for games. But you can redeem those with real money. Further, you can have the option to buy various items in the game as well.
So, this game is based on two gaming modes PVE and PVP. I am sure that most of you are aware of these modes, but if not then you can know that right now. In PVE mode, it is player vs environment and you are going to face enemies that are basically bots.
However, PVP is different where you are supposed to play games with other players. So, is player vs player gaming mode. This is quite difficult and you may need to improve your gaming skills in order to get success in this model. Meanwhile, the rewards are also high.
I will let you know about the process of earning as well. This is quite simple and you can easily master it if you play it a couple of times. But before that, you need to download the Apk file from this page. Then simply install it on your Android mobile phone.
The Gameplay
I have already mentioned some of the important details regarding the gameplay of Dragonary Apk. So, it is based on dragons as the name also indicates what this game is about. So, players are supposed to collect and breed different dragons.
You will have to unlock or get a free animal and then breed that. Once you get your pet, you need to feed her in order to make her grow. So, it grows and is able to fight with different pets. You can select barracks or places to breed those pets.
As I have mentioned the game modes. So, you can select and the gameplay also differs. It is really an interesting game to play and kill our free time. You are not only going to play and have fun but also earn CYT which is a crypto token. You can later withdraw to your crypto wallet.
How to Play Dragonary Apk and Withdraw CYT Crypto?
This gaming application is not only developed for the Androids but also for Windows and some other devices. So, it is up to you where you want to play it. You can download it for Androids from this page and install it there to start playing.
I have shared the gameplay above where you can come to know how you can play it. So, in order to withdraw your reward or coins, you need to open Tokenomics. Or there you will see an option of reward or CYT crypto in the game.
You need to tap on that option and there you need to tap or click on the withdraw option. Now you will see an option to enter the wallet address. There, you are supposed to copy-paste your Crypto Wallet address. Once you do that, click on the send button.
Final Words
It is real and all the earnings are also real. So, it is not a scam that you are going to get trapped. Just download the Dragonary Apk and install it on your phone to play it. If you know about crypto, it will be more fun for you.
how to play ?
You should create an account there if the game is available for your country. Then launch the game and watch a gameplay video on YouTube. YOu will get an idea about the gameplay.