Virtual Backup Apk

Virtual Backup

Virtual Backup Apk Download Free Latest Version for Android Mobile Phones and Tablets To Backup Your Files Between Two Virtual Space Apps now.

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If you are playing a game in one parallel space but want to transfer it to another one, then what would you do? I know it is quite difficult to do that because you lose the data or levels you have completed. But not with Virtual Backup Apk solves this for your Android device phones.

Tap the link above and grab the latest version Apk file of the Virtual Backup application. Now back up your data and go for a restore data option using the same app. This utility application provides a one-click backup for all that data you have.

Backing up data may seem like an easy task to do but it is not. Because it is quite complicated if you are doing it for the first time. However, once you learn how to do that, then it will become easy for you to repeat the process for other apps.

This does not only work on games but you can use it for other kinds of applications too. Without any frustrating ads, this most recent version is the app you want to have.

This article is dedicated to those people who use virtual space apps or parallel spaces like Virtual Xposed Apk and Virtual PUBG Apk to use multiple apps and games. Therefore, I recommend you guys get this app for your devices.

All About Virtual Backup for Android Devices

Virtual Backup Apk is a simple and handy application that you can use for creating backups for apps and games on Android mobile phones. However, this application is specially designed for parallel spaces.

So, it does not work randomly without these tools. Therefore, you need to download and install three applications including the one that we have shared here in this post.

While the others include Parallel Spaces. However, you can also use it as an alternative to one of the previously mentioned apps. Use it on an older one or on a new device it does not require superuser privileges to do what you want.

Some of you may already have installed the apps but some may not. So, if you have not installed those tools yet, then you must get those from this website apkmodbucket, and install them on your devices.

What does this app Virtual Backup Apk solve for us?

When you download Virtual Back up Apk without any in-app purchases it lets you back up any app’s data on your local storage. Later it provides you a direct link that you can transfer to an external drive too.

So if you want to make a fresh start on your Android device or insert a custom ROM on it, this free app will not require much RAM or other resources to back up your Android phone data. The name of the app clearly indicates that it allows users to move the data of any application from one parallel space to another.

So, this must be functional in both places otherwise it will not work for you. This is mostly used for gaming applications that have huge data files that cannot be shared easily. It is a third-party tool that you can download and use for free of cost.

Furthermore, there are no hidden or In-App charges applied here. You are going to download the latest version of the app from this post. Moreover, you can get other supportive apps from this website too.

How to download Virtual Backup Apk file?

This backup Android file is one of the best options to transfer files from one source to the next for free. If you are not sure how to download and install any Apk file, we will help you with that here.

First, tap the button given at the end of this file. This will start the process of downloading. Now go to the Security Settings and enable unknown sources. This way, you can now use third-party apps that are not coming from Google Play Store for free.

Now, locate the downloaded Android app and tap it. This will prompt for several permissions. Grant the required permissions and let it move ahead. After a while, this backup application will be available for use.

How to Use Virtual Backup Apk?

As we have mentioned the usage of Virtual Backup Apk is quite complicated. Therefore, we have decided to share a precise guide for the readers. In this section, you are going to learn how it works or how you can use it properly.

So, first of all, you need to download the package file from this post and install it on your phone. You must also install the apps mentioned in the above paragraphs. Thereafter, follow the steps mentioned below. 

  • Go to the Parallel Space app and add the tool that you have downloaded from this post and installed on your phones.
  • Now launch the app in that parallel space and click on the backup option.
  • Thereafter, select the game or any other software from which you want to create a backup.
  • It will complete the process within a mini-second.
  • Now go to other parallel spaces where you want to move the data of that software.
  • Launch this same tool Virtual Backup and select the option of Restore.
  • Now click on the data that you have a backup of for that software.
  • Then launch that game or software and it will make you able to use the same levels or processes.
  • You are done.

Final Words

That is all from this review. I hope it will help you use the app properly. The file size is too small and you can download it within a few seconds. So, now you can download the latest version of Virtual Backup Apk for your Android mobile phones from the link.

Additional Information

App Name Virtual Backup
Version 1.1
Package Name com.virtualbackup
Publisher VirtualBackup
Requirements 4.0.1 and Up
Category Apps,Tools
Size 29.97 KB
Price Free
Mod No


Frequently Asked Questions

Does this tool ask for Root access?

Is this tool safe to download?

Is this app available on Google Play?

2 thoughts on “Virtual Backup
  1. Jhonatan

    Bem explicado

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